Development environment is running Vite
Failed to login as kennedy.mweene
Try running `yarn db:backup:restore` in your country config repository. This command loads a previous backup of the database.
Cannot log in to OpenHIM.
Note, this is non-critical and your environment might still work fine.
Make sure you have allowed your browser use OpenHIM's self-signed certificate here.
Then make sure your OpenHIM username is and password is password or wXV8xSW2Ju5X3EPn
Make sure you have allowed your browser use OpenHIM's self-signed certificate here.
Then make sure your OpenHIM username is and password is password or wXV8xSW2Ju5X3EPn
Country config
Country config not running
Go to your country config repository (opencrvs-farajaland or opencrvs-your-country) and run yarn dev.
- auth4040
- user3030
- webhooks2525
- notification2020
- gateway7070
- workflow5050
- search9090
- metrics1050
- client3000
- login3020
- config2021
- countryconfig3040
- openhim5001